All troubles from the head

Yesterday, Alice was discharged and given two certificates (one that she was ill with acute respiratory infections for a week and is now healthy, the second that she did not come into contact with COVID-19 patients and did not leave the region). You can safely go to school.

By the way, what makes me happy lately is that Alice has become quite good about visiting the pediatric Department of the polyclinic. She had never liked it before, and standing in line threatened to sob and try to walk away into the sunset from what she thought was a hot place. I will not go deeper, I wrote about trips to the clinic here. Now she felt much calmer when surrounded by a large crowd of people in a small space. And this time it was all right. Although, due to the fact that our district pediatrician got sick and the queue turned out to be very tight, she calmly glued plasticine patches and did not pay attention to children’s screams or adults ‘ swearing. To be honest, I was more worried about how it would go, and there was nothing to worry about. And so, just such experiences will be discussed today.

After visiting the doctor, I called Alice’s class teacher and told her that she was discharged and would be at school tomorrow. The teacher in response asked me to go to class in the morning, because she has a serious conversation with me. All right, here we are. My hands were sweating, my heart was racing, and my thoughts were racing.

Perhaps, during the week that Alice was not at school, the teacher realized that it is much better without such a restless student. They discussed this issue with a psychologist, head teacher and Director and decided that my child should be sent to individual training. Of course, they will tell me that it will be better not only for her classmates, but also, first of all, for Alice herself.

Or she will tell me that it is useless to teach Alice. Social skills are her ceiling, so what’s math or writing? Again, they will be asked to leave for individual training and classes with a psychologist.

“I can’t handle it,” she would tell me, my rich imagination conjuring up another thought. Of course, Alice is very emotional, it is difficult for her to sit still, the energy from her is so rushing, who wants to spend additional resources to keep her attention.

“It interferes with other children, distracts them and does not allow them to study,” the class teacher tells me with a sad sigh. – Everyone sits quietly and listens to me, and she jumps around the office, of course, the guys are distracted by her.” In order to take care of the class as a whole, we are recommended to go to individual training.

Over the course of the day, the following evening, and even in my sleep, I made up a whole bunch of arguments.

In a conversation with a teacher, I would remember how at the first meeting I was told about the difficult children who came to study at this school and how they eventually coped with them. I would say that I did not send my daughter to a regular school, but to a specialized one, where specialists are ready for such children and conditions are created for such children. She would talk about how well Alice interacted with other children in kindergarten, successfully engaged in music and physical education classes. How she was praised by speech therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists and other specialists who worked with her at different times.

By morning, I had almost convinced myself that individual training, if she had a teacher with whom they would find a common language, was not the worst option and I was ready to accept it. While driving to school, I didn’t even have the strength to sing along to Irina Allegrova, which I usually listen to in the morning and a picnic sounded in the car.

In the classroom, we were met by a smiling teacher, who greeted Alice warmly, and They even hugged. The daughter went to her Desk, and it was time for a serious conversation. I braced myself, my hands clenched into fists, ready to defend Alice’s right to go to class with the other kids. Only here I didn’t have to defend anything.

It turned out that she just voiced a personal request. Due to the fact that her car is being repaired, she can’t get out to the city to shop, but she really needs to. The request is absolutely not burdensome. Of course, I was happy to help. I almost kissed her for asking!

All my experiences turned out to be empty zilch. It turns out that all my fears got out and poisoned my life for almost a day. I came up with it myself, I was worried about it, I’m so independent. No wonder, probably, they say that all our troubles come from our own heads.

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