From cottage to house | Home for Alice and her family

Dear friends! We are finally starting to build a house. This is a very happy and long – awaited event for us. And, of course, we will write about it. For those who want to read only stories about Alice, we will put the hashtag building a house and articles about it will be called “Home for Alice and her family”, so you can immediately understand what will be discussed.
We had a dream of a house a long time ago. When we first went on vacation to Anapa, we then long winter cold evenings dreamed of buying a house on the beach and enjoy life. It was back in 2010. By the way, then I sincerely did not understand the people who live in high-rise buildings in Anapa. It seemed to me that a house was absolutely necessary on the sea and nothing else. Now we have been living in a multi-storey building for three years and we even have a little view of the sea from the window and do not complain.
In order to ease the craving for buying a house (and we could not buy a house on the sea at that time, our finances did not match our wishes, because we needed a good two-story house within walking distance to the sea), we bought a dacha. The cottage was a small 5.8 acres of land, on which there was a small house with a bath. Those three summers that we spent at the dacha left the warmest memories. Despite the fact that the house was built, as they say on real estate sites, from experimental materials, and people say “from g**n and sticks”, we were very comfortable in it. There was even a tiny kitchen, probably 1 m by 2 m in size. in the Summer, we practically lived there, washed in the bath. Just so you know, in Surgut in the summer it is very comfortable to go to the bath, especially in the evening when it gets cool. In Anapa, I can hardly imagine that I wanted to visit the bathhouse in the summer, although I will not swear. We even somehow ripened apples, they were true the size of a currant berry, but they were. In the winter, we visited the dacha in raids, again heated the bath, steamed, then dived into the snow, in General, we got high as we could. When I first dived into the snow, I realized that I couldn’t get up, the snow was loose, and I fell through quite a lot. I flounder, try to get out, and think of my husband standing there looking at me. I rolled over on my back, floundering again. With grief, she rolled back onto her stomach, then got on all fours, pulled herself together, and got to her feet. I rushed to the steam room, only my heels glittered. I sit, warm up, my husband comes in, I let’s swear at him, they say I left at such a moment almost to the mercy of fate. And he laughs. He says I’m standing there looking at you, and I’m thinking: “Baba I have — fire! Little in the snow dived, she still turned over lay down, then back, pohlesche any man!» Laughed. We always remember this story now when we talk about the dacha. I think you understand that we really liked it at the dacha. At one time, we even decided to build a major log house on this site, and demolish the old one. We ordered a project and bought piles for the Foundation. Only then we began to demolish country buildings that were less than 30 meters from the power lines. And we just passed a power line nearby, this line was a dead end and not working, but we were afraid to build on this site, who knows what will happen in 10 years, suddenly it will be launched.
The cottage was sold, moved to Anapa, and the dream of a house never left us. But it didn’t go from the “dream” category to the “goal”category. The moment that made us go from “wet fantasies”, as my husband says, to concrete actions was the escape of our daughter Alice, which I wrote about here. During the half-hour that we searched for her with the police, we changed our minds and rethought a lot of things. We realized that we should give it more freedom and independence, but we couldn’t figure out how to organize it within the city movement. Then it was decided that we should move to a house that had a large yard that was not such a large flow of cars and Alice was slowly letting go to walk first, on the local area and then beyond. That’s when we started acting.
We had a project at home, but it turned out that now it does not suit us and we ordered a new project. It took a long time to choose the site, the company that will build our dream home. We’ll see what happens and share it with you.