“Magic pill” or how to deceive the parents of disabled children.

Feeling helpless is a very difficult condition, especially when you can not help your child. I really want to believe that there is some medicine, some “magic pill” that will help him get better and come back to normal. This is especially true for those who have not yet accepted the diagnosis of the child, who are at the beginning of the path. When the usual classes with speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychologists do not give a quick and visible result, when the prescribed drugs or the child is stupid, or becomes sluggish as a rag, when no one gives hope, and it is very necessary. Many parents try everything and when all the traditional methods are tried in the course are unconventional.
There appears on the horizon some specialist with his super-device or super-methodics, who sweetly sings that he can cure autism or can put on his feet a child with any degree of cerebral palsy, even if the child can not sit on his own, he will run. In this fairy tale I really want to believe. Often, these “experts” tell you numerous stories about how they have helped hundreds of sick children who have been abandoned by doctors. The cost of “treatment” is usually quite impressive, but if you are promised a full recovery of the child, then for the sake of this it is necessary to strain and collect the necessary amount (we are talking about hundreds of thousands of rubles). The effect of treatment is usually promised not soon, say, six months after the procedures or immediately stated that once is not enough and will need to go through several stages. Thus, parents may not pay attention to the fact that there is no result from the “treatment”. Six months later, at least some result, but it happens. Perhaps this is not even related to the “magic pill”, because the child can learn some skill with the help of parents or specialists with whom he is engaged, but parents will firmly associate this result with that miraculous method. The second, the third series of procedures, and full recovery all there is no. At the same time, parents scammers (and in another way I can not call them) will tell that the result is or that the parents themselves are to blame for the lack of results, but the money spent and lost time it will not return.
Common are the situations when parents begin to “comb” that all that happened is karma, it is payback for sins in a past life. With here hypoxia during childbirth, this you in past life dogs tortured, here is now pay the price. Parents in this case are invited to clean karma, correct sins, drink well water at full moon and other terribly useful methods. Check the effect of such methods is extremely difficult. Cleaned karma, and the state of the child has not changed, why? So, you have not sincerely repented, so on the energy level you are not ready for healing. How can this be verified? No way. And in addition to the fact that the child’s condition is not affected, and time is running out, and money is melting, so also parents can earn a huge sense of guilt, and then more serious diagnoses.
Counterfeits of well-known methods. Bought, for example, a device for micropolarization, perhaps even passed some short-term courses and now have similar procedures. Here the main danger that most often do not warn about possible rollbacks or side effects. It may even be that a person sincerely believes in this method and wants to help and even the result of such procedures may be. The main thing, be sure before you agree to any technique that you have not tried before, study it thoroughly, read the reviews, do not be lazy and read about the side effects and necessarily about contraindications. We so once are trapped on artisanal Tomatis. The lady put this case on stream, promised that my daughter would speak, without even asking what her diagnosis was. This method, she told us, was suitable for everyone and absolutely harmless. This alerted me somewhat, but since I had read a lot about this method and knew what the limitations and possible consequences were, I missed this point. The lady told us that the child should wear headphones only with his consent and the main thing is that he first got used and adapted, so the first 10 minutes we just mastered the office, considered toys, etc.but then she started trying to wear headphones. The first attempts were timid and unobtrusive, but the daughter was not given. I even at the very beginning of our conversation warned the lady that we have a problem with this and she does not let anyone touch her head, to which she assured me that she did not face such problems and all passed the procedure perfectly and got amazing results. After 10 minutes of unsuccessful attempts, she just clamped my daughter and forcibly put on her headphones, which she immediately began to try to take off, crying and struggling. I was taken aback, I did not expect this, when I just talked about voluntary putting on, about patience and habituation. The lady urged me to hold her daughter’s hands, I’ll be honest, led, I think, once dressed, then maybe a ride. I hold my hands, Alice squirms, yells, the lady tries to adjust the headphones and turn on. Then Alice twisted and took off the headphones, the lady immediately yelled at me that the device is very expensive and that we will pay for its failure. When she was sure that nothing was broken, she said that I did not hold well and did not listen to her at all. I, of course, was stunned, we refused this procedure at the lady and more to it never came. Subsequently I not how many times listened positive reviews about this lady as about specialist, listened and negative. Perhaps, someone she helped, but on my view the main its goal was earn money, not the most the bad goal, eat want all, but not warn about restrictions and possible negative consequences I believe, as least irresponsible.
I do not want to say anything bad about the methods of micropolarization and Tomatis given in the examples, I cited them as an example of the irresponsible attitude of specific people to the use of well-known procedures.
Thus, parasitizing, on the desire of parents to help their child, there are scammers who profit from the grief of people who discredit really good methods of work and do not benefit anyone but themselves. Be vigilant if you are promised mountains of gold, while calling other doctors fools, other methods filkinoy literacy and presenting yourself or your “magic pill” the only true means of combating the disease of your child do not be lazy, check the information. More often than not, simple and quick results remain in the realm of promises. The more serious the diagnosis, the more difficult and painstaking work is required, small steps to small victories. Hope, on your path not will encounter such sorrow-specialists and healers, and will meet, find in itself forces and run from them with all legs, because harm from them much more, than good.